Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 2

Had unexpected, extra time this morning so tackled some of the bins that are going into my new storage cube.  In just over an hour, sorted all this, and labeled the cubes. Still have a mountain to climb but at least I'm up out of "base camp" and headed towards the peak!

Learned, or relearned, as I sort, that I have a hard time putting things completely away. Like stickers and envelopes, etc. Some kind of hoarder trait. 

Also, struggling with what to do with two bins- old family Bibles and a box of Electronics.  They're already labeled, but I'm not sure where to keep things like the Bibles.  Suggestions?

Getting started

I think the security people at Wal-Mart probably have me on some kind of watch list. I've been frequenting the store daily, spending a suspicious amount of time between the home department and the Holiday/Seasonal clearance. I'd be suspicious of me, too, with the amount of time and frequency I've spent in there- trying to find the perfect bins and storage containers and comparing prices, size etc.. I buy some and then go back and buy more. 

 Honestly, I think this particular Wal-Mart would benefit from some organization of their own-their cat-and-mouse antics are not helping me to purchase more, if that's their. In fact, today, I decided to go Lowe's, who has everything laid out neat and easy and found much more for what I was looking for-and for less $$. Here's what I got today, on clearance:
It was $120, which is extravagant for my slim budget but by getting it, I am freeing up a dozen bins I already own, plus utilizing the space/project in the bins (scrapbook/photos/etc). This is a 20 year, ongoing projject and I'm never going to complete it if everything is tucked away in boxes or bins in a closet, under a bed, or in the garage (yes, they were even in the garage). Now it's in my face, and somewhat pretty. Let's see if I really get to it.  

I also bought these Hefty 6.5 qt Storage containers @ 2.67/ea and put them in my freezer but I'll show you that project in a post next week. (It's awesome!)